There are different types of honey that come from different sources and in different forms all over the world. Among all the different types, Manuka honey is the most popular. It has its reasons. People have obsessed over raw honey as well.
But how different are these two from each other? When you are comparing Manuka honey vs raw honey, there will always be fans for either of them. Let’s discuss why they are so popular and then compare the two.
What is Manuka Honey?
Manuka Honey is made by bees that pollinate the Manuka flower, which is native to New Zealand and blooms just 2-6 weeks per year. Manuka Honey can only be produced in areas abundant with native Manuka blossoms
What is raw honey?
It is honey in its purest form extracted from honeycombs. It does not undergo any processing before being sold nor is anything added to it or removed. It is pure, unaltered natural honey. Honeycombs consist of hexagonal cells where bees store honey, pollen or house their young. It is globally recognized to be as precious as liquid gold because it sustains its minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Raw honey can have an eternal shelf life if properly kept. Its rich in antioxidants enzymes, vitamins and minerals and loaded with phytonutrients.
What is the difference between Manuka Honey and my local honey?
Aside from where it was harvested, the nectar of the Manuka flower gives Manuka Honey its unique non-peroxide activity properties. Although most types of honey also produce microbe-killing levels of hydrogen peroxide when glucose oxidase (an enzyme incorporated into honey by bees) reacts with glucose and oxygen molecules in water; manuka honey provides an additional healing property “non-peroxide antibacterial activity”.
“Manuka honey is sometimes referred to as medicinal honey because it has a high antibacterial activity and has been shown to be good for wound healing and can help to relieve sore throats, mouth ulcers, sore gums and possibly indigestion,
It’s also important to highlight that most of us aren’t putting manuka honey on our skin — we’re eating it. So, beyond helping to heal wounds and skin infections, does manuka have benefits when ingested?
While manuka honey might help treat a sore throat or gingivitis by inhibiting bacteria, the main components responsible for the antimicrobial activity won’t survive the digestion process”.
Honey, including manuka honey, does contain prebiotics which help to feed the good bacteria in our gut, so in this respect honey may help support a healthy gut
Raw honey has more nutrients compared to other honey since it is directly extracted from the honeycomb. It hasn’t been processed in any way at all. But Manuka honey has stronger antibacterial properties compared to every other kind of honey out there.
Raw Honey and Manuka both have similar health benefits but Manuka honey is taken usually for its extra healing qualities, Manuka honey still isn’t something you can use every day, whether it’s for internal or external use. It can only be consumed twice a week at best.