Unpasteurized Raw Honey

Unpasteurized Raw Honey

Unpasteurized Raw Honey, all that you need to know.

Unpasteurized Raw Honey, here is an abundance of information about the benefits of raw honey. So, when you see a jar that’s labeled “raw,” you might assume it has all these benefits. However, not all honey is created equally. There are two types of honey: raw and pasteurized. While there are benefits to both unpasteurized raw honey and pasteurized, they are quite different. The truth is that while both types of honey are good for you; one will offer more benefits than the other. Here’s everything you need to know about the difference between pasteurized and unpasteurized raw honey, as well as which type you should buy and why.

What Is Unpasteurized Raw Honey?

While unpasteurized raw honey is often referred to as “raw,” technically, it’s not. Raw refers to the method of harvesting the honey. As such, raw honey is honey that is not heated or filtered. You can tell if the honey is raw by checking the label. If it says “raw,” then you know it’s unpasteurized raw honey. This type of honey is not processed or filtered. It is typically harvested from the flowers by beekeepers and placed in jars and bottles as-is. It is not heated like pasteurized honey so it maintains all its natural properties and vitamins. As such, it is more beneficial than pasteurized honey.

What Is Pasteurized, Honey?

Pasteurized honey is honey that has been heated to kill bacteria and extend the shelf life of the product. This is the most common form of honey you’ll find in grocery stores. It’s typically honey that has been heated to temperatures above 140°F. This kills any bacteria that might cause spoilage and extends the shelf life of the honey. While this may seem like a good thing, there are some significant downsides to pasteurized honey. Specifically, most people don’t realize that pasteurizing honey removes some of its good properties. This type of honey is typically not as beneficial to your health and may have fewer benefits than unpasteurized raw honey.

Should You Buy Unpasteurized Or Pasteurized Honey?

If you have allergies, buy pasteurized honey. Raw honey is more likely to contain pollen that can cause allergies. When purchasing honey, make sure it’s labeled as unpasteurized or raw. If it says “raw,” then you know it wasn’t processed with heat. If you don’t have allergies or are looking for benefits beyond immunity and general health, then raw honey is a better choice. This is because it contains more vitamins, minerals, and probiotics than pasteurized honey. When deciding between raw and pasteurized honey, you should consider the benefits of both types of honey and their differences. Both are good for you and both are great sweeteners. When choosing between raw and pasteurized, it’s a matter of personal preference.


Honey is a sweetener that has been used for thousands of years. There are two types of honey: raw and pasteurized. While both are good for you, there are some noticeable differences between raw and pasteurized honey. Raw honey is unpasteurized, unfiltered, and not heated. Pasteurized honey has a shorter shelf life than pasteurized honey, but is better for sensitive individuals. Pasteurized honey is honey that has been heated to kill bacteria and extend the shelf life of the product. It is the most common form of honey you’ll find in grocery stores. While this may seem like a good thing, there are some significant downsides to pasteurized honey.
Stay Healthy!